Ever wondered how many people are involved in getting your order out on time, to the right specification, and to the right location? Well we thought we'd help you find out a little bit more through our exclusive look at HPP staff profiles.
Over the coming months, we're visiting an array of departments here at HPP to give you a behind the scenes look at our staff members, the roles they carry out, and the way they help to make sure your job is done exactly how you want it.
We'll be taking a tour from sales and customer service to manufacturing and transportation, plus everything in between. We aim to give you an insight into how each member of staff plays their part to provide you with the absolute best service and quality of products.
Our profiles will give you a chance to put faces and personalities to the voice or email you're used to, and gain a real insight into how we operate as a company.
To view our current profiles and keep up to date with new ones, view them here and see if you can spot somebody you know today!