HPP Staff Face the Fire this February for a Local Charity! - HPP

HPP Staff Face the Fire this February for a Local Charity!

HPP Staff Face the Fire this February for a Local Charity!

Three brave members of staff from HPP are due to Face the Fire this February in aid of charity!

Gareth Evans, Chris Essex and Shaun Nolan are due to take part in what could possibly be the shortest sponsored walk in history, but one which will test their stamina, guts and determination to the limit.

The 'Mahdlo Fire Walk' will see our three brave staff members taking a daring walk over a 20 foot strip of hot coals and ashes in order to raise money for Mahdlo, an Oldham based youth centre set up for 8 - 25 year olds in Oldham.

The centre helps youngsters in Oldham the opportunity to meet new friends, have new experiences, learn new skills and access the support they need to develop and achieve their true potential.

Whilst Gareth, Chris and Shaun are confident they'll succeed in the event, there's still some debate between the trio about which one of them will be putting their best foot forward first!

Fund raising for the event is already underway, so if you want to make a donation to these three brave fundraisers you can do by visiting their donation page.

Check back on our news pages after 19th February 2015 to see how they got on...

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HPP Staff Face the Fire this February for a Local Charity!
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